Welcome to iToroStocks, founded in May 2018 we strive to bring you the latest Crypto, Finance, Infosec, and Tech news. Our goal is to produce interesting and educational content and become a valuable resource to those looking to keep up with these topics.
George Shillings – Executive Editor
George is a 33 year old cryptocurrency entrepreneur. He was introduced to Bitcoin in 2014 and has been involved with it ever since. He used to mine bitcoins and altcoins but now focuses on blogging and educating others about digital currencies.
James Dutcher – Lead Writer
James is a 35-year old FinTech and Bitcoin enthusiast living in Canada. His passion for finance and technology made him one of the world’s leading freelance Bitcoin writers, and he is working to achieve the same level of respect in the FinTech sector.
Mark Powell – Writer
Mark is a freelance writer based in Tennessee. He’s proud to call Santa Fe home, where he lives with his family and girlfriend and laments the ubiquity of cowboy boots and peddle taverns. A student of English, he’s perplexed–but nonetheless thrilled– as to how he ended up writing on cryptocurrency topics, as he never would have guessed he’d use his background in literature to explain the technological aspects of “that Bitcoin thing” to his readers. When he’s not writing about the cryptographic revolution at hand, he might be taking a trip out west or packing his car for another music festival.
Charles Burnham – Writer
Charles is a cryptocurrency enthusiast and published author. He has started buying Bitcoin back in the year of 2016, right after the economic boom and has continued ever since. He also has a passion for IT and loves playing the guitar.
Nathaniel Mauldin – Writer
Nathaniel has been actively following cryptocurrency since he was introduced to Bitcoin in September of 2015. Since then, he has spent much of his time participating in the community, trading altcoins, and freelance writing within the cryptocurrency field. He is currently an undergraduate student pursuing a double major in Economics and Computer Science, which he plans to use towards a career in the blockchain industry after graduation.
Thomas Donmoyer – Writer
Thomas is a freelance journalist, digital nomad, and crypto enthusiast. As an avid observer of the rapidly evolving blockchain ecosystem he specializes in the FinTech sector, and when not writing explores the technological landscape.